Blister Packs

Friction Feeder For Blister Packs

Blister packs are a type of pre-formed packaging that has a cavity or pocket made from plastic or foil that holds the product. The backing is usually made out of aluminum foil or plastic to seal the product into the cavity. The backing provides a tamper-evident seal as well as protects the products from humidity and contamination.

Commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry, blister packs are favored for being a cost-effective and tamper-evident way to package pills while effectively guiding the consumer to take the correct medication dose at the right time.

Most of the “blisters” in a blister pack contain a singular pill for an easy visual of the dosage amounts. The foil backing is durable but will show clear signs of tampering which is a strict requirement for safety in the pharmaceutical industry. The surface foil allows for smooth printing.

Time of day or dates can be printed on the foil backing to directly communicate when the medications should be taken as well as lot numbers and barcodes for verification and security.

Friction Feeders

MFT Automation offers a versatile catalog of robust, high-performance friction feeders that can increase productivity in your blister pack packaging process. The friction feeder’s flexible belts grip the blister packs without breaking the blister cavity or damaging its contents. The thickness of an average blister pack limits the stack height and therefore the capacity of the friction feeder. MFT Automation’s Automatic Product Loader (APL) expands the friction feeder’s capacity. The products are shingled on the APL and then a sensor mounted above the feeder’s infeed triggers the APL to top off the stack as it is depleted.

blister pack with pills

From counting and batching to printing applications to tipping into boxes, our friction feeders are modular in design to easily integrate into any existing production lines. With a wide range of sizes and discharge lengths to match your product, we work with you to find a feeder to fit your packaging application. MFT Automation also offers hygienic and washdown options to fit the needs and requirements of your environment.

Contact us today to discuss your application further. With over 25 years of experience in the packaging industry, MFT Automation has the tools and resources to personally find the best solution for your automation challenge. Call 1-651-407-3100 or contact us online.

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