Folding Assembly

System Components

Accurate and Precise Automated Folding

Automating the folding process is simple and easy. At MFT Automation, we offer two options to automate your folding process, plow folding assembly and buckle folding assembly. The plow folding method is used when folding product from the side. It uses a curved metal plate and a roller to fold and crease the product. In a matter of seconds, a product moves down a conveyor and the curved metal plate guides it to a folded position for the roller to crease. The plow folding assembly is easily integrated onto existing conveyors or systems. The buckle folding method folds from front to back. It uses high speed and force to fold products. The product moves at high speeds down a conveyor and then folds around the buckle plate, “buckling” the product. High friction rollers grip and push the paper through a pair of folding rollers which folds that paper as it is squeezed between the rollers. Both methods are highly effective and produce high-quality results. Talk to one of our applications experts to decide which method is right for your application.

Folding Assembly

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